"the distance between your dreams and reality is called action"


According to the definition by the ICF, coaching is defined as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.

So what does this mean for you exactly?

In a series of conversations, I will help you reflect and gain awareness of who you are and what is important to you. And I will help you discover, clarify and align with what you want to achieve.

I encourage self-discovery by asking challenging questions and digging deeper.

Through active and empathic listening, and by sharing my observations and holding your space, I support you to reflect on these questions and elicit solutions and strategies on how to move forward in order for you to bring the change you want in your life or work.

And I support you in achieving your goals.

At all times, you will remain responsible and accountable for your decisions and actions.

My role is solely to guide you and encourage you on your way.

My coaching practice is regulated under the ICF Code of Ethics and the Core Values and Ethical Principles mentioned therein.

For you as a client this means that I work  under the ICF definition and philosophy of coaching and that I abide to the ethical principles and ethical standards of behaviour for all ICF professionals.

For Individuals

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For Teams

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Pro Bono

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